Logotipo Oliva Iluminación



Leading company with 250 manufacturers and more than 50,000 different products.

Oliva Iluminación has two offices in Madrid, nationally and internationally, where you can find all our variety in technical and decorative lighting for home, offices, hotels, restaurants and large projects.

In our project headquarters and store in Madrid you will not only find iconic luminaries and novelties of the leading firms in the lighting sector, but you will also have the advice of a group of lighting designers specialized in lighting projects.

You can find our head office and lighting store in Madrid Centro and Madrid Norte.

Our showrooms

Although the first steps of the company began in a store of just 200 m2 located at number 14 of Pelayo Street in the capital, where its founder gave solutions to the lighting demands of its customers, the company’s stores have changed proportionally to the evolution of the company and its expansion.

Oliva Iluminación is committed to locating its stores in first class locations with ample exhibition space and large storage.

The current showroom at Calle Hortaleza 57 is a modern store designed to consolidate relations with interior designers and architects who are clients of the company. Little by little this showroom has become the headquarters where all the new products that Oliva Iluminación distributes until today can be found.

In 1993 came the great expansion with the opening of the showroom in Calle Estrada 11, in the north of Madrid. A large space dedicated to the world of technical and decorative lighting, with an entire floor dedicated to exhibitions of the leading firms in the sector. The new space has evolved over the years. It came to consist of technical demonstration rooms, training rooms, a large warehouse and offices. In each room of this headquarters, a real and tailor-made lighting project could be appreciated.

In 2021 the decision was made to open a new space with a lighting studio approach, giving prominence to the development of lighting projects. Consequently, the showroom in Estrada Street is closed and modern offices are inaugurated in Infanta Mercedes Street, 96.

Oliva Iluminación currently has two locations: the showroom at Calle Hortaleza 57 in the center of Madrid, where designer lamps are sold, and the central offices at Calle Infanta Mercedes 96, in the north of Madrid, focused on the development of lighting projects.

Oliva Iluminación distributes more than 3,000 items, including decorative ceiling and table lamps, sconces or downlights and, of course, light bulbs.

You can take a look at the complete history of the company here.


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Departamento de proyecta Calle Infanta Mercedes 96 Madrid
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